BHUVIK S-A tender-aged boy’s multi-talent in versatile themes.


BHUVIK S was born on the 18th of November in 2020 at Hosadurga taluk of Chitradurga district in Karnataka, India. at the age of 1 year, 10 months he placed a new record in the kid’s category by identifying and reciting as follows are;shapes-6, country flags 9, God’s images -6, colours-10, parts of the human body 22, family members 9, vegetables-10, fruits, vehicles-10, mimics the sound of animals -8, stacking 7 rings sequentially into a tower in a minute, parts of plants, few wild animals, domestic animals, car parts, home things, 8 planets including solar system parts, Traffic signals, Vegetable -16, Vehicles -16, States map in India map, National symbols -6, 1- 10 numbers, A to Z alphabets as well corresponding letters in English words, community helpers, Action words, rhymes Etc. By looking at his sharpness in versatile themes, KABR has honored him today.