Sanjeev Chnadrahsekhar Dhumkanal – The Maximum program conductor on children’s literature skills and other facets.

Sanjeev Chnadrahsekhar Dhumkanal was born on the 1st of June 1987 in Hubli City of Karnataka, India. Being a District president, at Makkala Sahitya parishat jilla ghataka, Dharwad, and State president at Karnataka Sangrama Sene he has created a new record in the achievement category by conducting 155 programs across the state under his presidency. In that especially he has organized for children literature at district level 100  programs and 50 of we’re at the school playground on Saturday special events on art, dance, cultural activity, literature printed workshop, Singing, Drawing, environment, etc, and the rest of the 5 belongs to the state level of Akhila Bharata kannada makkala sahitya events.  For his excellent work on children’s literature, the Women & Child Development Department honored him with a state award in Bengaluru, and the Kannada & Culture Department was appreciated honorably as well; he has been recognized by various organizations.  Seeing his marvelous effort and high-feat achievements, KABR proudly honored him today.