ROHAN.N – 5 year 9 months boy’s extraordinary performance on various themes

ROHAN.N. was born on 24th of March 2019 at Bhadravati ,Shimoga district of  karnataka ,India .At the age of 5 years 9 months he has set a new record in the kids category by following various performances as follows ; 6 shlokas  of Bhagavad Gita Adhyaya – 1,  Tables  1 to 7 , 5 God slokas, Lingashtakam,  15 English & 3 kannada rhymes,Phonics ,vowels ,consonants,  grammar usages   (a & an)    English reading and writing, as well sentence forming, Spellings of few  animals,birds,vegetables,fruits,shapes,colours,vehicles,days in a week,months of a year, body parts and flowers,   Addition and subtraction,Kannada varnamala , kagunita.Few general  Q&A ,along  these he has competed in interschool  bhagavad gita chanting competition and secured 2nd position,etc. Seeing his extraordinary reciting skill and performance on versatile themes ,KABR proudly appreciated and honored him today .