Atheeva Ayusiri B – 2 years 8 months old girl’s excellent skill on vertsile topics.

Atheeva Ayusiri B was born on 15th February 2022 in Mysore ,karnataka ,India .At the age of 2 years 8 months she has created a new record in the kids category by telling and identifying as follows; Answering General Q&A -10, 20 animals, 15 fruits name,20 parts of body,10 vehicles,6 shapes,10 yoga poses,36 pieces on 4 puzzle boards(9 each), performing 6 action, imitating animals sounds -7, reciting days of week & months in a year in English and kannada, recalling 7 antonyms, alphabet A to Z with words, 6 English rhymes , 6 animals baby names,15 Actions performing rhymes,200 random objects recognise,5 colours, 3 sources that we get from animal,3 animal foods,4  prayers in kannada & english  , 8 jnanpith awardee names , 3 Shlokas , planets ,traffic signals ,Etc. Seeing her excellent talent on different themes , KABR appreciated and honored her today .