Ganika S.M.- Little girl’s fluent awareness of varied topics .

Ganika S.M. was born on the 12th of December 2018 in Bengaluru of Karnataka, India. She has set a new record in the intelligence category by reciting and identifying National symbols -20, parts of the body -15, action words -15, Numbers up to -15 in English & Hindi, Household items -10, English Alphabets with words, Shloka -3,  Rhynes -6, Freedom fighters -5, Season -4,  domestic animals -10, Days, Months, Indian festivals -8, Kannada kids songs -3, Maasagalu, Fruits -10, Vehicles-10, Animals-10, Vegetables-10 Magical instruments 10, Etc. Seeing a tender-aged girl’s fluency in different topics, KABR has honored her today.