Navaneetha Swarna Kumar M S was born on the 2nd of May in 2018 at Kudligi in Vijayanagar district of Karnataka, India. He has placed a new record in the intelligence category by reciting, identifying, and reading as follows; great scientists and, personalities 54, animals, birds, insects and objects 118, reading Kannada 300 & English 350 words, opposite words 13, degrees of comparison 10, present & past tense 10, science experiments, parts of the body 36, Kannada proverbs 06, place values in Kannada and English, fundamental operations in mathematics, national symbols, parts of the plants, 12 Zodiac signs, spells of weekdays in Kannada and English, names of the months, 1-10 number spells along with reciting in Kannada, Hindi & English, cursive writing in English .etc, By looking at his goodness in numerous topics, KABR has honored him today .